Round or rectangular rug? Which shape will be best for your space
Nov, 15 2023   |   Deco tips

Round or rectangular rug? Which shape will be best for your space

You know, one of the most common design dilemmas is the age-old debate between choosing a round or rectangular rug. Who would have thought that the shape of a rug could provoke so much contemplation? But believe me, it does. Today, we'll delve into this design conundrum and find out what's best for your space.

How to choose the right rug?

Size Matters

First and foremost, regardless of shape, the size of the rug is key. If the rug is too small, it can look like a misplaced doormat. Too big? It might overshadow other elements in the room. Always measure your room and the area you want to cover with a rug before making a purchase. And when in doubt, always opt for a slightly larger size - it's easier to fold or tuck in the edges than to regret a tiny rug!

Consider the furniture

Furniture plays a significant role in choosing the right rug. Do you have a round dining table? A round rug might complement it better. Have a linear and rectangular living room layout? A rectangular rug would probably fit seamlessly.

Round or rectangular rug?
Round or rectangular rug?

Functionality over form

Remember, rugs are not just about aesthetics. Their functionality must also be considered. Think about the traffic the rug will endure. A complex, delicate round rug may not be the best choice for a high-traffic area.

Where should round rug be placed?

Round rugs are perfect for adding a bit of softness to spaces dominated by straight lines and sharp edges.

  • Bedrooms - Have you ever tried placing a round rug under a bed? It gives the room a softer, more relaxed atmosphere.

  • Reading nooks - A round rug, a comfortable chair, a standing lamp, and a favorite book. Need I say more?

  • Children's rooms - Kids love unique shapes. Round rugs can be a fantastic addition to play or study areas.

Round or rectangular rug?
Round or rectangular rug?

Where should rectangular rug be placed?

Now let's talk about the rectangular rug - a timeless classic. Its simple lines and familiar shape make it a favorite for many.

  • Living Rooms - A rectangular rug can define a lounge area, especially in open-plan spaces. It serves as an anchor, tying together different pieces of furniture.

  • Dining Room - A large rectangular rug under the dining table ensures that chairs stay on the rug, even when pulled out.

  • Hallways and Entrances - These are usually long and narrow, making rectangular runners an ideal choice.

Round or rectangular rug?
Round or rectangular rug?

Trendy Rugs - rectangular or round?

Ultimately, whether you choose a rectangular or round rug depends on personal preferences and the specific requirements of your space. Our advice? Stay true to what feels right for you. Consider the existing elements in your space, the function of the rug, and of course, what you personally like. After all, your home should reflect you!

Choosing between a round or rectangular rug can be a fun design adventure. Each has its charm and place. And remember, in the world of interior design, rules are meant to be broken. Sometimes the best spaces are born out of pure instinct. So trust yours and let your space shine!