How to clean a rug?
Dec, 15 2020   |   Deco tips

How to clean a rug?

In many rooms, we decide to use beautiful, soft carpets. They are not only a wonderful decoration, but also improve the comfort of walking - who does not like to feel the soft fibers of a well-cut carpet under their bare feet? However, if we want to enjoy immaculate carpets, we need to learn to care for them effectively. So, in response to the bothering question of how to clean a rug so that it stays fresh and looks nice, we have prepared this article. Please note that each type of carpet requires a different type of care.

Vinyl carpet - how to clean?

Vinyl carpets are very durable and resistant to all types of dirt. Their waterproof properties make cleaning easier - hence they are perfect for bathrooms, kitchens, hallways and other rooms. The vinyl carpet is made of 80% PVC, the rest is usually fiberglass. This type of carpet is especially appreciated by allergy sufferers, because it does not contain harmful microorganisms and allergenic dust. To clean a vinyl rug, simply use a wet soapy cloth or mop, wiping the rug intensively. We advise against using stronger cleaning products for this purpose, which could only damage the structure of the vinyl.

How to wash a wool rug?

Wool rugs can look flawless for a long time. This is because the dirt penetrates deep between the fibers, instead of sticking to the surface. This means that we should clean them more often than we think, but not too often, so as not to overuse it - remember that each vacuuming to some extent removes the looser carpet fibers. Therefore, if you vacuum, make sure you use a low suction power. Regular cleaning with specialized products should help keep it fresh. It is also recommended to use the services of professionals from time to time, who will take care of our carpet in detail and shake it on a beater from time to time, which will allow you to get rid of the dust remaining in the recesses.

How do I clean my rug from dog or cat hair?

If you have a pet, you will have to clean your carpets much more often. Animal hair tends to stick to the carpet fibers and is not so easy to remove. Of course, a vacuum cleaner that will pull in cat's or dog's hair will turn out to be effective in this matter - preferably using high power and a turbo brush that will collect dirt more thoroughly.

how to clean a rug from pet hair

How do I clean the carpet of hair and avoid using a vacuum cleaner? We can use a rubber glove moistened with water, which, if we run it in one direction on the carpet, we will certainly collect a significant part of the hair. A damp rice brush can be even better in this matter, which you can use to brush the fur from the carpet. Try different methods depending on the type of carpet and you will surely find the right one for you and your needs. However, remember not to perform this type of cleaning too aggressively, for the sake of the condition of your carpet fibers.

Baking soda to the rescue of carpet dirt!

More and more often, among household cleaning products, there is baking soda. This measure is an exceptionally ecological and economical solution for our home. Cleaning our carpets with baking soda restores their former shine, without damaging the fibers too much. But how to do this? It is enough to thoroughly vacuum the carpet first, then sprinkle it evenly with baking soda, leave it on the carpet for a few hours, and then again using a vacuum cleaner, suck in the remaining soda. Its cleaning properties will effectively deal with residual dirt, leaving our carpet clean and fresh!

Shaggy carpet - how to clean?

Soft, long-haired, shaggy rugs are a dream for many of us. However, difficulties arise in keeping them clean. So how do you clean a shaggy rug? Regular vacuuming will certainly facilitate its care. This is a lengthy process as you should vacuum in different directions, preferably with the turbo brush. However, once in a while, it is best to clean it wet, with a special washing vacuum cleaner.

How to clean the rug at home?

Carpet cleaning is not the easiest task, it is often a tedious process, during which we try not to damage the carpet fibers. However, there are many home remedies you can use to keep it clean while protecting fragile fabrics. The most popular are:

  • own preparation for cleaning carpets - prepared from a composition of soap flakes and potato starch - such a mixture should be rubbed deeply into the carpet, and then vacuumed after some time;
  • cleaning the carpet with baking soda as described earlier it will allow you not only to get rid of dirt, but also to give the carpet a fresh smell - while for more difficult stains, create a solution of soda and vinegar that will facilitate their removal;
  • you can remove greasy stains on the carpet by sprinkling with talcum powder or potato flour - if left for a few hours, it will effectively absorb unwanted dirt;
  • salt is the best for fresh wine stains - it has hygroscopic properties, so it absorbs moisture, so after some time you only need to vacuum the salt spilled in the place of the stain.

Cleaning a long pile carpet

In particular, cleaning long-pile carpets should be done regularly. So vacuuming with a turbo brush and cleaning with appropriate preparations (including those made at home) should help. Dirt penetrates deeply into the bristle structure, so it may be worth giving your rug to professionals once in a while.

How to dry clean the carpet?

Many of us are used to the fact that carpet washing is associated with wet cleaning. However, it is also possible without the use of water. It is enough to sprinkle the carpet with the appropriate cleaning product - specialized preparations are available in drugstores, but among home-made products, we will also find appropriate ingredients, such as potato starch, baking soda and salt. After waiting for the right amount of time, simply vacuum the spilled substance and it's ready!

We hope that our advices on how to wash a rugs will help you effectively clean your beautiful carpets!

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